Monday, December 28, 2009

Skul re-open is cuming soon..Hate it..Haven touch any holiday homework at all..N all my text book is "missing"..Nid to search 4 it..All my fren is same as me, v haven enjoy enuff 4 the holiday..Reali hope miracle wil happen n delay our skul re-open time..LOL

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Breakup wit her few days ago..sad sad..I az her tat nite whether stil love me or nt..she sy duno..Erm..she give me a suggestion..she az me wanna be her gor gor or nt..I sy ok geh..Den jao be her gor since tat nite..Act i think everything wil b ok geh..I go 5 Hui Ni on the next day..She console me n az me dun sad lor..I think im ok jor geh..When i alone at my room, i feel lonely at all n feel veri miss her tat time lor..Bt duno y..My tears is doesnt drop down..Juz i feel wanna cry oly..Bt stil fail to cry oso..I wanna 5 her act bt i dun dare..I damn scare she wil avoid me n dun choi me..I reali scare bout it..

Sunday, December 13, 2009

After a few week, finally she start talk with happy owh..Long time din chat wit her liao..The feeling is so comfortable lor..She sy wan eat sweets den i go 1st floor to buy some sweets n give her..Den i chat a while wit her at thr..She sell underwear thr n az me buy from her..LOLX..i sy ok geh, k give fren as christmas present mar..Nt bd gah..After chatting wit her,i went b to my shop n cont my working

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Feeling bad today when knw a bd news..It considered as a serious case 4 me,it hurt me deeper n deeply..I dun think i k recover fast..Duno y..I feel depressed when saw the incident,mayb tat ppl reali important to me..When someone az me to go out wit tat person,i feel sadness n sadness..zzz..Dun treat me lik tat lar,it reali hurt lor..What u promised nvr realize it lor..
last nite go bb wit dai lou,his cousin,waiko,alex n his brother..After tat,v go E3 a few while to ply Dota..We win most of the match..Oly the last match,we lost becov of the feeder in my team..T_T ..Den i hav lunch at waiko"s house,n ply wwf wit him..Den v plan to go Alex house to cont our entertain..Whole gang ply mahjong n poker wit him n his sis bro them..Quite interesting lor..V stay thr bout 4 or 5 hours..Suddenly my mum call me, rupanya i gt tt tonight..Sei lor..Din prepare anything tim..Sure die lor..So tired today lor

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

when i wake up at 6 n RK cum my house at 6smtg den v go bb together wit waiko,alex,gary,sheng han,fung,kok hoong,yew chyuan n si loon..After tat v hav breakfast 2gether at "da shu tou"..Den v go E3 to da gei..So dulan lor today..Juz nw the ball hit my finger n my finger damn painful lor.zz