Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Favorite Song

Nw i so boring n ly on the floor n start bloging by using my sis"s miss my loupo bt she slept alr..cant accom me..nvm lar..juz let the comp pui lar..i alr biasa sometime she treat me quite gud she lik change many recently..duno y..zz..erm..while i open the music player ,i listen my favorite song,sing by tank..< If I Become Memory >..It really touch me n k make me drop my tears..I cant describe the sadness n depressing from the lyric..I think about me n her while listening tis song..Duno hw long i k wit her,i also duno..I hope v wil nt break up 4ever..I reali love her veri deeply til i k 4giv wat she done on me..I duno is tis call true love or nt..I gt the same feeling on a girl b4..Nw the feeling is cum b,i think i reali love my loupo..Everytime v date oso i veri worry bout it..I scare i wil doing smtg wrongly n make her angry..Cov she s veri hard to tam b geh..Nid b patient,if nt u wil nvr get her forgiving..Neway.i willing to do so..I love her

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