Friday, November 27, 2009

Wah..Today so FISH lor..Laz nite too..When v hav dinner at giant thr,Pooi See cum near n az me smtg..When she is behind me,Jia Qian suddenly sy: Kar Chun,ur ex cum find u lor..When I look at her,she look veri gam gai lor..She quickly az Qian diam lor..Nvr expect she wil do so lor..haha..Today oso the same,when v finish our dinner n prepare to go toilet,v meet her outside of the toilet,Ah bao n Jia Xian do the same thing again...Luckily she leave thr fast ar..If nt they wil talk more lor..Frenz oly mar..Cant be frenz after breakup de meh=.= I think k lor..

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